Strength Training for Cyclist Certification 

Learn The "Secrets to Strength Training Programming":
The Most Potent Formula for Stronger Riding,  Higher FTP, Increased Power, More Mobility,  And The Fastest Results At Any Age with the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification

Human Vortex Training As Featured In

Fall Enrollment Open September 25- October 2, 2023

The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification Enrollment is now Open, but spots are limited!









The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification has helped cycling coaches, triathlon coaches, personal trainers, strength coaches, and self-coached riders learn how to write strength training programs that get results 3* faster, and 2* better than traditional strength for fitness programs.



Learn how to assess your rider, build an incredibly effective strength program with corrective exercises, plyometrics, power, mobility and strength, all woven in one concurrent strength training approach for fantastic cycling specific results, that improved posture, speed up recovery, and build more resiliency...

Allowing you to write better strength programs in less time for better rider results and to open up another income stream for you and your business by becoming the best in your field.


Thousands of cyclists are enjoying faster riding speeds, increased power numbers, improved mobility & flexibility, quicker recovery, and higher FTP's...

 All by working with graduates of the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course, who are using scientifically and time-proven approaches to powerfully blend together fitness properties into one, seamless & easy to follow strength training program. 

These Coaches & Trainers are transforming their riders into powerful, resilient, and strong cyclists by targeting their exact weaknesses, building strength, power, and explosiveness through joints that are more mobile and flexible. 

What Makes the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification so unique is that it is the only course and certification available that enables coaches & trainers alike to be able to target the exact sport-specific needs that their rider has, while simultaneously increasing power output, recovery, breathing, flexibility, and mobility all in one program, one approach.

Why Are "General Fitness" Style Strength Training Approaches Causing Cyclists To Get Injured Lifting Weights & To Not See Results In Their Riding?

According to numerous scientific studies the use of heavy weights offers cyclists a number of benefits: 

  • Increased Bone Density
  • Improved Power Output
  • Higher Lean Body Mass
  • Better Efficiency in Sport

 But most cyclists are missing the improvements in their riding for 2 reasons:

1. They are following a general fitness strength training program, often focusing only on their legs and "core", mostly ignoring the upper body.

2. They are constantly getting too sore from their strength training, which steals the energy the body needs in order to repair itself from resistance training and riding.


The Restrictions of Scientific Research Studies

Research is absolutely critical in learning how to improve human performance, but a researchers job is to eliminate as many factors as possible, to study one small thing at a time... But in real life, you have to know how to blend everything safely for the rider in front of you.

Blindly following the scientific studies that have shown us "lifting heavy helps cycling performance" without knowing how to safely assess your rider and appropriately build a highly effective program that is both time and energy efficient, leads to cyclists being "too sore to ride", too tired to get any quality riding in, or worse- injured from strength training.

Having a cyclist, who has not done any kind of heavy resistance training for months on end through the season, perform a 1 rep max, 5 rep max, or any rep max test, opens them up to an extremely high risk of injury due to their bones and tissues not being prepared to handle those stresses.

But what most cycling coaches and trainers are unaware of, is that these kinds of "assessments" or "test" are almost completely unnecessary to build a highly effective strength training program for cycling results.

This course teaches you how to build a truly cycling-specific program that not only improves on-bike performance, but also off-bike posture, breathing, and strength...


All done with assessments that are movement-quality based allowing you to better understand the riders movement strategies so that you can add weights to movements in ways that give the riders the biggest return on their time, effort, and energy, without making them any more tired or sore than they absolutely need to be...

Which is usually little to none at all, leaving them fresh enough to train hard where it matters most- on their bike!



As cyclists we all learned that in order to get better at riding, you need to ride through the pain and push our limits. In fact, it's almost impossible to meet a cyclist who has not learned how to suffer on the bike.

But when this mentality is brought into the strength training approaches and trainings, it is destructive, leading to excessive tissue breakdown in the body, leaving your rider sore, tired, and having a hard time to finish any kind of ride with quality...

Leading to loss of riding fitness, poor recovery, crankiness, fatigue, lower sex drive, and loss of desire to train... 

It's no wonder most cyclists start training when the weather is awful outside, and drop it as soon as it's nice!

Until recently, this endless cycle seemed doomed to repeat itself for cyclists year after year... but now...


The Concurrent Training Approaches Taught in the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification Course are a Potent Modern Approach for PROTECTING your clients against Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Upper Back Pain, and other common aches as Well as BOOSTING Power Numbers, Energy, Recoverability Between Efforts, Posture, Breathing, And Confidence FAST... No Matter Your Riders Age

Take your skills to new levels


"Very well put together. It was obvious that this was designed for the coach who wants to actually increase their bandwidth and help their athletes. As opposed to the certifications that are available just so you can put a badge on your resume. Thank You! One of the best, and up to date, programs I have come across in this market segment. The fact that there are cycling specific attributes are a bonus."

Josh N., USA
Cycling Coach, The Athletes Lab

" Would I recommend the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course? "Yes, Yes, Yes - because it's obvious that this is not just some gimmick that's been thrown together in 5 minutes, it's a well thought out thorough repeatable process that takes into consideration what we need as cyclists not as olympic lifters.""

John S., UK
Cycling Coach

"Menachem’s course gave me the knowledge, tools and importantly confidence to develop my practice exponentially. The content will challenge you to think more broadly and critically about what Strength Training is and its potential for cycling performance. You’ll come away with practical ways that can improve your own cycling performance and that of others with the Human Vortex approach. It’s a self paced, easy to follow format, which allows you to fit it around a busy schedule. Highly recommended!"

Carolyn G., Spain/ UK
Velocity Cycle Coaching

"Yes, it was jam-packed…almost TOO MUCH, so truly hoping I can keep this entire course at my disposal as I will want to go use it as a resource to go back and re-learn. It is not often that many strength people know how to train cyclists specifically and this is exactly why I took the course. I was tired of regular strength trainers given lifts or progressions that do not make sense to the cyclist "

Tristen R., USA
Cycling Coach, Hat House Endurance

"The course is excellent. As a Chinese amatuer cycling coach, there're still so much to learn. Your course set up a startline for me. Though a starter, I know posture and movement screening are very important, and are the first things to do before real coaching start. I tried the assessment on my new client, and learned more about their bodies. Most of my clients are young students, like junor high, who usually have posture issues, which directly and indirectly affect their on-bike posture and movement. I am trying to help them correct basic issues, and telling them what to do to build a balance body. Would you recommend the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course? I would love to. "

Zhen P., China
Cycling Coach

"This course was great and really exceeded my expectations. In some of the early session, Menachem belabored many points but I know why as I worked through the course. The exercise videos are perfect I really like the progression of building a foundation. I have gone to strength training classes and coaches and felt like I needed a remedial course first and this really is helping me with that. I took this course to help ME be a better cyclist. Would you recommend the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course? Absolutely. the content and cost is perfect."

Keith N., USA
Cycling Coach

What does this course offer Cycling Coaches & Fitness Professionals?


Cyclists have unique demands placed on them during our sports. While many have mistakenly believed that copying these demands is a way to improve "sport-specific" performance, the real answer is to work to balance out the poor postures and positions we spend so much time in. 

This course teaches you how to build a truly cycling-specific program that not only improves on-bike performance, but also off-bike posture, breathing, and strength.


This course gives you a deeper understanding of how to look at strength training and strength training exercises, allowing you to know what changes and adaptations to make for each rider, to help them get the most from their time and efforts.

Gain confidence in your programming abilities and know that you are making the best choices in the face of limited time. This confidence, along with the assessment tools and skills, will help you to build powerful strength training programs that bring about on-bike performance gains, and happier, healthier clients.


Access 90+ exercise technique videos from the course resources library, helping you find an exercise variation to fit any rider at any level.

But this is NOT just a course in theory! 

There are tons of practical applications, including walking through the building of a training program & seeing real assessment videos of riders just like yours. 

You'll also get over 75 Exercise Progressions and Regressions, helping you know you're choosing the right exercise, for the right athlete, every time.

Join coaches from around the world who are now teaching & coaching strength training to their cyclists & triathletes with more effectiveness and power.

  • Argentina
  • Canada
  • Austrailia
  • Portugal
  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Singapore
  • China
  • And more!


The Strength Training for Cyclists Course is approved for the following CEU's

1.7 NSCA CEU's




This Strength Training for Cyclists Certification Course is approved for the following CEU's:

1.7 NSCA CEU's

1.6 NASM CEU's


8 USA Cycling CEU's

5 USA Triathlon CEU's

That means you earn approved CEU's for numerous certifications, making your life much easier as an elite coach or trainger with just one course- The Strength Training for Cycling Certification!

How does the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification Course help me?

Gain cutting-edge training approaches, strategies, and assessment tools to help you maximize your performance, to get out of pain, smash through plateaus, and perform better than ever!

Not only do you get a deep dive and the exact skills and tools you need to build strength training programs that work for your cyclists (and triathletes) to see improved function, strength on the bike, and improved recovery, but you also earn CEU's!

This course has been approved for:

1.7 NSCA CEU's (category C)

1.6 NASM CEU's


8 USA Cycling CEU's

5 USA Triathlon CEU's


And is awaiting CEU award from NASM and AFAA

Myths and misconceptions are widely found in the world of strength training for cyclists:

From the low weight & high reps, or High weight & low reps are the "only ways to train endurance athletes"

To the "lots and lots of jumps/ plyometrics"

and "Strength training is only an off-season activity" 

You'll learn the EXACT reasons why each of these is false, and have the knowledge and tools to build highly effective training programs!

You'll gain the knowledge accrued through work with over 10,000 athletes from around the world to get performance results on the bike, and better function off the bike.

There is an entire chapter dedicated to helping you understand how to work with juniors, women, and masters athletes to meet their specific and unique needs.

You'll learn the exact methods and systems to properly and thoroughly assess your riders movements on and off the bike, so you can build them an individualized strength training program that will help them meet their specific needs.

Get a deep understanding of the 5 stages of strength training and which 4 EVERY rider must go through in order to see performance gains.

You'll learn exactly how to build strength training programs throughout the entire training year, allowing better overall health, faster recovery time, and greater strength where it counts- On the bike.

Cycling and triathlon have unique demands on the body, unlike any other sports. This means the standard exercise progressions often times don't work, leaving their coach or trainer needing to "wing it".

The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification gives you over 75 exercise progressions and regressions that will help you and your athlete or client gain far superior training results!

Once you purchase the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course, you get lifetime access, including all future additions and content updates.

Due to the high demand of cycling & triathlon coaches from around the world wanting to learn the most up to date and cutting edge approaches to helping their athletes and clients get far more out of their strength training, the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification is a self-paced, 100% online course.

Coaches from around the world have taken the Strength Training for Cyclists Certification including cycling & triathlon coaches in Argentina, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and more!

Yes, this course covers far more than the book, including many topics the book does not:

  • On-bike assessments
  • Off-bike assessments
  • A Deep Dive into building a training program and plan
  • Athlete Intake process
  • Athlete Interview
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Exercise Progressions

    and much, much more!

While this course is focused on cyclists, you don't just learn a one-size-fits-all approach. You learn the systems, assessments, and thought processes you need to make highly accurate and effective decisions about your client or athletes needs, and how to build their program to meet those needs.

This means that triathlon coaches will get a ton out of this course, and be able to immediately apply it to their athletes or clients as well.

In fact, a number of triathlon coaches have taken the course, and gotten a lot out of it!


The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course gives your the skills, tools, and systems you need to work with cyclists in all disciplines:

  • Road cycling
  • Adventure Sport
  • Grand Fondo
  • Time Trial
  • Criterium
  • Mountain Biking
  • Enduro
  • XC
  • BMX
  • Gravel
  • Track

You'll learn how to assess the athlete in front of you, figure out their needs, their strengths & weaknesses, so you can build a highly effective and dialed in strength training program for that athlete, at that time.

This gets the results they expect, and need, no matter their chosen discipline.


The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification covers everything from the foundations of strength training, all the way up to the exact special needs and demands that must be taken into account for cyclists to see in-sport improvements from their strength training.

The course itself is around 8 hours long.

However there are additional resources, which if you choose to dive into, can add more time- it's up to you!

The course is self paced, and while you could complete it in a single day, we recommend no more than 1 module (chapter) a week, which is between 1-3 hours, as there is a lot of information to absorb.

You'll also want to take some additional time to apply and practice what you've learned.

Yes, There is an 3 month Inner Circle Program, which allows a small group of students to have live monthly group video calls with Coach Brodie, where he answers your questions, and gives you an even deeper insight into strength training for cyclists.

There is also a private group for those students to interact & ask questions.

Technically, yes, but it depends.

Coach Brodie does offer 1 on 1 Mentorships which last 6 months. However these spots are extremely limited, and available only when Coach Brodie's current Mentees complete their 6 months. 

While this often coincides with the opening of enrollment for the Certification, it's not always the case.

Extremely easy!

The course includes Cheat Sheets so you can quickly and easily build, adapt, or adjust on the fly, knowing that you're using a proven method, and systems that will help get your athlete or client fantastic results!

I firmly believe that you'll find this course to blow away your expectations, that it won't be an issue. But if for some reason it's not a fit for you, I'll be happy to give you a full refund within the first 30 days. 

I stand behind this course being one of the most thorough, comprehensive, and exceptional courses available in the fitness & endurance sports worlds.

The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification course has two enrollment periods:

  1. Spring 
  2. Fall

The Fall 2020 Enrollment Period will open October 14-24, at which point the course will close until Spring 2021.

There are not exceptions.

Strength Training for Cyclists Certification

Gain 100% confidence in your abilities to assess your athletes and write highly successful strength training programs FOR CYCLISTS.

My Strength Training for Cyclists Certification is the first complete, practical certification for coaches and athletes who want to learn how to write strength training programs that actually boost on-bike performances, NOT add muscle mass or just make you "gym strong".


Learn the EXACT expert assessment steps and tools to dial in your programming for your athletes needs


Learn expert approaches to strength training through the year to progress & improve riding


Help your athletes train smarter, not harder with the proven Vortex Method

Fall Enrollment Open September 25- October 2, 2023

The Strength Training for Cyclists Certification Enrollment is now Open, but spots are limited!









30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The Strength Training for Cycling Certification is a no-risk course, with a 30 day money-back Guarantee. That means that if you're not happy with the course, for any reason in the first 30 days, you get your money back.

6-Pay Payment plan!

Want to get started today, but need to spread the payments out? No problem! The 6-pay payment plan gives you the option to make 6 monthly payments of $139


50% Complete

Two Step

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